

Bulgarian, Chinese, English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Swahili, and Swedish are spoken here. Many of our pupils and staff speak more than one language.

All our pupils from Reception to Year 6 learn Spanish, which is taught by a modern languages specialist. In Years 5 and 6, pupils also learn Latin. French is a very popular club from Reception onwards and Italian is offered as a club in Year 2.

Through a communicative and interactive approach, our pupils gain an understanding of the mechanics of languages and develop critical thinking skills, preparing them for further language studies in their next school and beyond.

Our focus is to build confidence and enable our pupils to manipulate the language readily. Spanish-speaking musical performances and role plays are regular features in lessons – and much enjoyed by the pupils!


"Our focus is to build confidence and enable our pupils to manipulate the language readily."

Languages in numbers

Did you know Did you

The tooth fairy in Spain and France is a mouse!


students around the world are currently studying Spanish as a foreign language

Spanish has over 40,000 words with all the vowels in them
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