

What is a biome? What is the difference between weather and climate? What are the reasons behind people moving from one place to another? How can we make a difference to our world in the future?

In geography, girls explore all aspects of human and physical geography, from their immediate environment to the far reaches of the globe, searching for the answers to these questions and more.  In lessons and explorations, we foster critical thinking, using a diverse range of information sources from printed books, maps and models to expert opinions via digital technologies. We encourage our pupils to develop a global perspective and hope to inspire future change makers and innovators.

Pupils enjoy practical based learning (at times braving the most inclement elements of London’s weather) including investigating weather patterns in our local environment, mapping the school, and orienteering on Hampstead Heath.

"We encourage our pupils to develop a global perspective and hope to inspire future change makers and innovators"
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