Learning outside the classroom is an essential component of a St Christopher’s education. It provides our pupils with countless opportunities to develop their resourcefulness and initiative and to spend time together in an informal environment.
We regularly take pupils on day trips to historic sites, museums, galleries, natural features and farms to support the curriculum in history, art history, geography and science. Some trips are directly related to the curriculum, others are designed to promote social awareness, or to enhance physical skills, self-reliance or team-working. All extend girls’ knowledge of the world, and further their development. Making the most of the wonders of London, we organise visits to landmarks such as St Paul’s Cathedral, the Globe Theatre, the National Gallery, and Tate Modern as well as less well-known destinations. There are also regular theatre trips for pupils of all ages.
From Year 4 upwards, all pupils go on an annual residential trip. This starts with a three-day PGL activity trip in Year 4 and progresses to a five-day residential trip in Years 5 and 6. In recent years Year 5 have gone to Llanstefan in Wales.