Successful learning extends beyond knowledge and academia and equips pupils with a moral compass and sense of social responsibility, and the ability to initiate thoughtful and meaningful action.
We embed the joint concepts of service and learning and provide partnership and exchange experiences which support and extend the curriculum. Girls develop new perspectives, fostering respect for others, positive relationships, empathy and humility. Learning about and with others, in London or around the world, helps our staff and pupils find their passion and their voice.
We have partnerships with several different local primary schools. We plan and run joint co-curricular days, debating competitions or music workshops, and we share facilities, such as our sports courts. We have an international partnership with a school in Sierra Leone and pupils of both schools look forward to a termly exchange of letters. Partnerships are a vehicle for experiential learning for all involved.
Our Charity Ambassadors raise awareness and funds for a range of charities including Friends of the World, Little Village and The Royal Free Charity. In planning whole-school events, our girls put their budding entrepreneurial skills to the test!
"Girls develop new perspectives, fostering respect for others, positive relationships, empathy and humility"